OneDeck Help Center

How to use Milestones

Once the document is added in OneDeck, the Document Builder helps define and manage record deliverables by breaking them into clear milestones. These milestones can serve as checkpoints or targets, making it easier to track progress and ensure timely completion.

In this documentation, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to:

  • Add Milestones
  • Use Milestones

Let’s get started 🚀

Add Milestones

Step 1: In the Document Builder page, click on the “+” icon in the middle of the document to add a new section.

Step 2: Select the Milestones option from the new sections.

Use Milestones

Enables you to track and manage specific project goals or deliverables, keeping clients and team members informed and aligned on project expectations by providing the following fields:

Fields Description
Name A text input where the milestone’s name is entered (e.g. “UI design” or “First Draft”.
Deadline Type A dropdown menu to specify the type of deadline associated with the milestone (None / Specific Date / Dependency).
Deadline On choosing the deadline type, here select the deadline date or option.

On selecting the Dependency option, you can set the milestone deadline based on another event instead of a calendar date.