Milestones Field

Milestones are key events or goals that mark significant progress in a project or business. They are a way to track progress, stay motivated, and ensure that everyone is working towards the same objectives. With OneDeck's Milestones field type, you can easily create, manage, and track milestones within your projects.

The Milestones field type is ideal for managing long-term projects or business objectives. It allows you to set specific goals, deadlines, and milestones, and track progress towards those goals over time. You can create as many milestones as you need and organize them into groups or categories for easy tracking and management.

OneDeck's Milestones field type includes several features to help you stay on top of your milestones, including:

Deadline tracking: Set specific deadlines for each milestone and track progress towards those deadlines.

Milestone groups: Organize your milestones into groups or categories for easy tracking and management.

Milestone status: Keep track of each milestone's status, whether it's in progress, complete, or overdue.

Milestone descriptions: Add detailed descriptions to each milestone to provide context and guidance for your team.

By using OneDeck's Milestones field type, you can ensure that your team is always working towards clear goals and objectives. Whether you're managing a long-term project or tracking business objectives, Milestones are an essential tool for keeping your team on track and motivated. Try it out today and see how OneDeck can help you achieve your goals.

Note: Some of Onedeck's features, properties and capabilities that mentioned in this article are still in development and will be available in the coming future.